F I N E   E U R O P E A N   A N D   A M E R I C A N   P A I N T I N G S




(American, 1914-1988)


Oil on Paper

18 x 13½ Inches

Signed Lower Left, 'Di Gesu' and Dated 1954


Winner of the Prix Othon Friesz, Victor di Gesu first attended the Los Angeles Art Center and the Chouinard Art School before moving to Paris where he studied with Andre L’Hote and Yves Brayer at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. While in Paris, Di Gesu exhibited extensively, including at the Louvre, the Exposition des Artistes Étrangères, the Grand Palais of the Salon d'Automne and the Salon des Arts Décoratifs among other Parisian Salons. He subsequently attended Barcelona's Escuela de Bellas Artes before furthering his studies in Rome at the Studio Hinna. Returning to California, Di Gesu worked beside several notable American Modernists including F. Tolles Chamberlain and Maynard Jepson.


Already a gifted colorist, Di Gesu’s classical training combined with his scientific research into color theory, allowed him to create vivid yet harmonious works which, while reminiscent of Matisse and Gauguin, revealed a verve and spontaneity that remained uniquely his own. A prolific artist, Victor Di Gesu was the recipient of numerous medals and juried awards, both in the United States and in France. After his return to California, he continued to exhibit widely and with success, including at the San Francisco Museum of Art, Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art, the Carmel Art Association and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.



180 7TH AVENUE • SUITE 100 • SANTA CRUZ  CA  95062 • 831-818-5316